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Много ще съм благодарна ,ако някой ми преведе това: Sad

Is it easy to spot a liar?
According to psychologists, the average human being lies to others once or twice a day.This is because deception- or `untruthfulness`- is a natural tendency amongst all living things.Many animals deceive others aeound them in orderto distract predators from baby birds in their nest.Chimpanzees, when they are foraging for food and come across something tasty, will occasionally pretend not to have noticed the food so as not to alert the chimps nearbyand lose their prize .So it is no surprise that human beings often deceive for exactly the same reasons:to save theirown skins or to get something they can`t get by other methods.
  Desprite how often they engage in it, most people aren`t experts at lying.People often make inconsistent facial expressions and body movements in a desperate attemt to seem believable and to supress what they are realy thinking.

# 1
  • Мнения: 411
Използвай google translator,търси в google.

# 2
  • Мнения: 216
Много ще съм благодарна ,ако някой ми преведе това: Sad

Is it easy to spot a liar?
According to psychologists, the average human being lies to others once or twice a day.This is because deception- or `untruthfulness`- is a natural tendency amongst all living things.Many animals deceive others aeound them in orderto distract predators from baby birds in their nest.Chimpanzees, when they are foraging for food and come across something tasty, will occasionally pretend not to have noticed the food so as not to alert the chimps nearbyand lose their prize .So it is no surprise that human beings often deceive for exactly the same reasons:to save theirown skins or to get something they can`t get by other methods.
  Desprite how often they engage in it, most people aren`t experts at lying.People often make inconsistent facial expressions and body movements in a desperate attemt to seem believable and to supress what they are realy thinking.

Лесно ли е да се забележи лъжец?
Според психолозите, средно статисти4еският 4овек лъже другите 1-2 на ден. това е защото измамата или неверността е естествена тенденция сред вси4ки живи същества. Много животни мамят другите около тях с цел да разсеят враговете от бебта пти4ки в гнездата им. Шимпанзетата, когато търсят храна, и намерят нещо вкусно, от време на врее се преструват 4е не са го забелязали 4е да не алармират другите шипанзета и да си загубят наградата. Така 4е не е изненада 4е хората 4есто мамят за абсолютно съшите при4ини- да си спасят кожата, или да вземат нещо, което не могат да си набавят по друг на4ин. Независимо колко 4есто го правят, пове4ето хора не са спецялисти лъжци. Хората 4есто правят несъзнателни гримаси и мимики, в от4аяност да изглеждат правдиви и да подтиснат истинските си мисли.

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